Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Backwards Pricing

How can gas be $3.07/gallon and still be cheaper than a gallon of milk?  Something doesn't seem right when milk is more expensive than gas....

We went around last night for Family Night listing one of our New Year's resolutions.  The kids all said nice things like do better in school, finish Eagle Project, etc.  It took me a while to narrow down the long list of things I need to improve on down to one.  I had to plug my ears and close my eyes to think because the kids were all asking me at the same time "What? What is it?" and even Henson was leaning over with his nose touching mine saying, "What's yours mom?" 

That was a fun contrast to what Maren mentioned in her paper about her home.  She wrote a paper on how her house is her favorite place to be and one of the reasons she listed is that it's QUIET!  Now there are a lot of things I would've guessed she might write about our house, but quiet isn't one of them.  Scott and I just smiled -- wonder what she'd think about a home with only 1 or 2 kids!! :) 

I love our gas fireplace.  It's doesn't have quite the same charm as a real log fire, but I use it WAY more than I would a log fire.  I turn in on practically every morning to warm up the family room and the kids love to get dressed in front of it.  It keeps me warm in the evenings and I never have to scoop out the ashes.

My birthday came and went without the world stopping because I'm 40.  I guess that's the way it should be - so what.....I'm older......nothing is different and I still have a lot to accomplish so quit thinking about it and get to work.  We went to the Symphony where we heard 'Rach 3' piano concerto.  I've always dreamed of hearing it in person so it was a dream come true.  On Sunday, the kids made signs that said "We love you" and they made a paper chain to drape on the mantle where every link was colored and said Marcie on it.  It was fun to see them work together for a celebration.  We had cake with the BEST frosting on it - Root Beer flavor!